Apache Cassandra is a highly scalable distributed database. It can handle unstructured, semi-structured, and structured data. It was developed at Facebook and first became open-sourced in 2008. It then became a top-level Apache project in 2010. Cassandra adheres strictly to the CAP theorem, which means that data in the database can never become corrupted. Cassandra is available as a free, open-source database, which makes it highly flexible and scalable.
Apache Cassandra is built on a masterless architecture and is linearly scalable. It can be deployed across multiple data centers, which makes it perfect for organizations with highly changing data needs. In addition, its ACID-compliant design means that it can be used in environments without a single point of failure. Because of its high availability, Cassandra can scale up and down as needed without experiencing downtime.
While there are several alternatives to Cassandra, it remains the most popular choice for a cloud database. For many businesses, the global services and fault tolerance make it the database of choice. AWS also offers a Cassandra-like managed service called Amazon Keyspaces. Both are compatible with Apache Cassandra and the popular CQL APIs. It is also an open-source alternative to Amazon DynamoDB.
As the name implies, Apache Cassandra is a distributed NoSQL database. It was developed by Facebook and published as an open-source project in July 2008. The key features of Apache Cassandra are continuous availability, scalability, and the ease of data distribution across multiple data centers. Its parallel nature ensures low latency for clients. Cassandra complements Google Bigtable and Amazon Dynamo distribution strategies.
The advantages of Cassandra over MongoDB are in its ability to handle massive amounts of data. It also has high availability and can handle continuous real-time analysis. A large number of data can be stored using Cassandra, making it the database of choice for applications that use high-volume, time-series data. It is also very fast. With so many benefits, it is no wonder that Apache Cassandra is preferred over MongoDB.
For high-speed data processing, Cassandra is the database of choice for many cloud-based businesses. Its distributed architecture allows users to query massive data sets without having to worry about maintaining infrastructure or data storage. Furthermore, the CQL API is compatible with multiple data storage platforms. It also allows users to query data in real time without having to deal with costly upfront setup and maintenance. If you need a reliable and cost-effective solution for big data, consider Redshift or Amazon Cassandra.