The Zoya Factor is a Bollywood romantic comedy based on the novel by Anuja Chauhan. Sonam Kapoor plays Zoya, a bumbling ad executive who becomes the lucky mascot of India’s cricket team during the World Cup. A bumbling ad executive named Zoya Solanki charms the captain of the team Nikhil Khoda (Dulquer Salmaan). While this may seem like a clichéd plot, it is a movie that embodies the romantic fantasy of any Indian girl.
In India, cricket is almost a religion, and players are regarded as gods. While ‘The Zoya Factor’ tries to emulate the fervor of the game, it falls short of its aim to be the greatest innings in cinema history. However, it does succeed in presenting a compelling tale about the role of luck and teamwork. This film is recommended for anyone who loves Indian cricket.
Zoya Solanki, the junior copywriter who was born on the same day as the 1983 cricket World Cup, is sent on a photo shoot with the Indian cricket team. Zoya’s ‘luck factor’ makes her famous, and she eventually becomes Team India’s good luck charm for the World Cup. However, this is not all she’s got. She has an amazing’result’ story to share with the team, and the movie has a few gems that make it worth watching.
The Zoya Factor is an entertaining and uplifting movie based on the novel by Anuja Chauhan. Its screenplay by Pradhuman Singh Mall and Neha Sharma is light and effective for most parts. While the film has its share of likable characters and some heart-warming moments, there are too many scenes where it falls flat. The film doesn’t have the emotional touch to be memorable, but it is a fun watch for fans of the sports genre.
Zoya’s luck is boosted by a charismatic, cocky Indian skipper, Nikhil Khoda (Dulquer Salmaan). He is likable and a great role model. Zoya’s looks are enough to melt even the most jaded heart. So, Zoya factor rating: 4.5/5. The movie has a great plot and the right cast for the film.
The characters in Zoya’s world are very interesting. She is surrounded by oddball characters, including Sanjay Kapoor’s father and Sikander Kher’s brother. The film also features Manu Rishi as a scheming board member. If you enjoy reading fiction, you should read The Zoya Factor. It will make your day! If you’re a fan of Indian sports, you’ll love this book.